College Planning

The thought of going to college is an exciting thing for every student, parent, and teacher alike. It is an amazing opportunity to meet new friends, experience new places and ideas, and venture out to get the education required for your future job. However, without the proper planning, college can put you into a financial pit that can take years to get out of.

So… What do you do? PREPARE!

First, decide if college is the right path for you. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING. What do you mean? Everyone goes to college would it not be the right path for me?

Nowadays, many students are getting their bachelor’s degree and coming out of college with NO woke experience, NO on-the-job- skillsets, and a boatload of student debt. Not to mention most jobs now are looking for graduates with industry experience, along with other attributes to separate them from other candidates such as master’s degree or Ph.D. Simply put, graduates are realizing that a bachelor’s degree alone does not have the impact it once did within the workplace.

To combat this, you NEED to do research ahead of time. Analyze what industries are booming and are on a steady incline. Figure out your hobbies and interests to find jobs that can align with them. Rather than coming out of high school and picking a major that brings in the most money, only to realize a few years in time you will not be content in that field, you will save plenty of time and have extra funds in your pocket.

In addition to changing your major to something that interests you, you also must prepare FINANCIALLY. Do you have money set aside for tuition and other expenses or will you be taking out student loans to cover your costs? These are all things to prepare for BEFORE deciding on a college. The last thing you want to do is get out of college with thousands in student loan debt in a field in which you can’t see yourself for the next three years let alone your entire career.

The positive is that many types of grants and scholarships can drastically lower your college costs. However, they carry certain requirements such as maintaining a certain GPA to receive them. This further hammers the point that you should major in a field that you enjoy because there is a much greater chance that you will succeed academically.

In summary, ANALYZE! Know yourself and look beyond the now and into the future to picture your scenario in the major you choose. Interview those who are already successful in the field that you are thinking about joining. Ask them how they got their position and what steps you should be taking to ensure and streamline your path.

Good luck on your Journey ahead!
